Fausta's blog

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Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Will there ever come a time when the United States and the international community concludes that forcing Israel into making unilateral concessions is not a prescription for peace, but a guarantee of more war?
asks Cal Thomas

Here's a news item that has gone ignored, Hamas releases video of hostage
Palestinian militant group Hamas has released a video of a bound and blindfolded Israeli businessman it says it kidnapped and later killed.
The body of 51-year-old Sasson Nuriel, who vanished last week, was found near Ramallah in the West Bank on Monday.

Hamas said it had planned to trade him for Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails, but decided to kill him after Israel began raids in the West Bank
Instead, we hear that the Israeli escalation and assassinations represented a grave jeopardy for the peace process and the region


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