Fausta's blog

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Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Terrorist kills 10, serves 8 years, is released early, and goes right back to work
Convicted terrorist is 1 of 9 arrested in France
Bourada was among 36 Islamic militants sentenced in February 1998 for providing support for bomb attacks that terrorized France in 1995. Bourada received the maximum 10-year sentence but won early release in 2003, the police official said, adding that others arrested Monday also served jail time but not on terrorism-related charges.

A judicial official said the nine are suspected of links with the Salafist Group for Call and Combat, a militant Algerian movement that declared allegiance to Osama bin Laden's al-Qaida network and is known by its French initials GSPC.
The Socialist Party wanst Sarkozy to explain himself (link in French) because he mentioned on September 21 -- five days before the arrests -- that "there would be preventive arrests". Sarko has been known to blab, as he did last July, when he stated that some of the London bomb suspects were arrested last year, and that
the explosives were thought to have come from the Balkans or eastern Europe
after which he left that meeting early, much to the annoyance of the British hosts.


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