Hall of shame: Code Pink protesters, the Seattle soldier beatings
Juliette's Dissecting Code Pink/Walter Reed Protesters
Through this move, Code Pink has acted against George W. Bush via those who carry out his orders. Somehow, they believed--without thinking of human nature and without even the barest understanding of the mindset of those who implement the military objectives of this nation--that their actions would hurt the war effort. This is what passes for planning at Code Pink. They have, however, only served to hinder their own agenda by making themselves look like ghouls and like the types who would only be brave enough to take on soldiers when the latter are injured. I doubt that this was supposed to be part of "Stage Two."Michelle Malkin follows up on the story of the Seattle soldier beatings.
Update: Don't miss Sigmund Carl and Alfred's epistole To Those Idiots Who Want Our Troops Out Of Iraq
George Bush didn’t lie to get us into this war. He relied on the intelligence that preceded him.- the UN, Russians, French and Brits all believed Saddam had WMD. The problem was that the intelligence was flawed. Bill Clinton was not responsible for the flawed intelligence- and that intelligence was gathered under his administration. That has been made clear. Grow up.Spot-on.
That is another truth you hate- and that is another reason you need this to be about George Bush.
Who is supporting Cindy Sheehan? The same people who can’t abide George Bush. The same people that refuse to accept the reality that he was elected into office- twice. It isn't about anti war sentiment- it's all about politics.
Fenton Communications, a long time liberal PR company, heads up the effort. Ben and Jerry’s Ben Cohen, of True Majority, an organization whose anti Bush stance is it’s raison d’etre, is front and center. MoveOn.org and Code Pink are sponsors, who came into being only because of George Bush- and the efforts to ‘get him’ at all costs.
Mostly, it's about your hatred of George Bush- and the truth that you don't care how many more Iraqis die. If they have to die to 'get' George Bush, it is a worthy sacrifice.
How 'progressive' of you.
Update, August 27: Add two to the hall of shame: Al Sharpton and Neo-Nazis
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