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Thursday, July 28, 2005

Congress approves CAFTA
CAFTA wins vote in House. The Senate approved CAFTA in late June.

Former senator Bob Graham's Looking beyond CAFTA
DR-CAFTA may not be a perfect trade vehicle — if one actually exists — but it is an important policy tool to knit the U.S. together with its closest neighbors in the name of homeland security, friendship and common interest. The gains heavily outweigh the concerns — with economic growth rippling broadly through the U.S. economy and catalyzing positive changes that improve our own security, prosperity and international standing. It is hard to ask for more from any international agreement.
I'm very pleased that CAFTA has been approved. The USA needs to encourage trade with Latin America -- now more than ever.

Let's now go for a unilateral lowering of tariffs and the repeal of all import quotas. Sugar, steel, and textiles would be good starting points.


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