While you ponder Iran, let's mention Venezuela, too
Iran's used elections as a PR ploy for the theocracy, and they are going nuclear, too.
Not to be upstaged, Hugo wants to go nuclear, too, and with Iranian help: Venezuela dimisses jitters over nuclear programIn one of his "hey, look at me, I'm not saying what you think I'm saying" maneuvers, Hugo claims that
Venezuela will pursue plans to develop nuclear technology for its medical, industrial and oil sectors despite regional jitters over possible cooperation with Iran, the science minister said.Hugo's repeating himself, of course.
At least Brazil's not playing along,
Chavez said in May that Venezuela and other Latin American countries such as Brazil and Argentina could develop nuclear energy as an alternative power source.In further Hugo news, Cuba says someone, possibly Columbian, has been trying to kill him, and the Cuban website (is this a pattern?) also says that a Survey Ratifies Hugo Chavez´s Political Leadership. The survey didn't ask this guy, or the oil workers protesting against corruption and lost jobs who shut down oil production. The Cuban press didn't seem to have time to report that retired members of the Venezuelan armed forces protested the presence of Cuban "advisors" in the Venezuelan military, but at least Hugo's giving a pay raise to the soldiers that are (still) loyal to him.
But Brazil said it would likely not cooperate with Venezuela on nuclear energy projects involving Iran. A Brazilian government official described possible Iranian involvement as "risky" and pointed to Brazil's energy projects with Argentina and the United States.
Venezuela and Iran would have perfect synergy: both countries are led by ideologists that hate the USA and are adroit at manipulating elections; the mullahs have plundered their country and Hugo, not satisfied with all that oil money, has taken over the Central Bank's reserves; and now they both think they're the bomb. Or at least, want to be.
Update: Some Venezuelans are revolting
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