Fausta's blog

Faustam fortuna adiuvat
The official blog of Fausta's Blog Talk Radio show.

Monday, June 27, 2005

Two attitudes
The well-publicized attitude, The Iraq Panic: Zarqawi's bombs hit their target in Washington

The not-so-well-publicized attitude: via Chrenkoff, Ulf Hjertstrom Ex-hostage hires bounty hunters
A HOSTAGE held alongside Australian Douglas Wood in Iraq has hired bounty hunters to track down his former captors, promising to eliminate them one by one.
. . .
"I invested about $50,000 so far and we will get them one by one."
How about the MSM, in between making soundbites for Al-Jazeera and supporting Zarqawi, try talking about Mr. Hjertstrom?


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