Fausta's blog

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Thursday, June 30, 2005

Hillary's next meme will be the budget deficit
SmadaNek overheard something in Washington. Don't miss SmadaNek's numbers:
The national debt ($7.78 trillion) amounts to about 66% of national production ($11.7 trillion). This could be compared to a family with an annual income of $50,000 holding a mortgage for about $76,000. The total monthly payment on a $76,000 mortgage (30-yr fixed @ 5.375%) would be $425.58, or $5,106.96 annual -- 6.7% of the balance, 10% of gross income.
I'm more worried about trade wars with China, and property rights than the budget deficit.

As for Social Security, I kissed that one good-bye a long time ago. There isn't going to be any.


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