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Sunday, April 24, 2005

Sunday blogging: Small cars
Mary at Exit Zero's blogging about small cars:
My husband didn't like Le Car because it was small, he's tall and he kept bumping his head on the roof. But at least this car isn't French. American men bought the old-style VW bugs – didn’t they?
The Husband, who's 6'4", used to make deliveries for his father's business in a VW bug. The Husband managed to do that by holding the steering wheel with both hands, carefully, between his knees, something that usually only advanced yoga students can master. I'd love to have a Mini Cooper, but can drive it only with the seat pulled all the way to the back. Since The Husband doesn't fit in the Mini Cooper passenger seat, he'd have to follow in hot pursuit, in the mini-van.

Several months ago I was in my friend's Miata and we stopped at a traffic light, surrounded on all sides by SUVs. We were so far below their line of sight, it truly felt like we were riding on a skateboard with a roof. I'm a lot more comfortable in my mini-van.

I don't like SUVs at all, though. The only person I've known who had good reasons to own an SUV was a lady I used to work with, who was 6' tall, her husband and her daughters were taller than her, and each of the three daughers owned a cello. They all could ride together in her Chevy Suburban, which was about the size of a living room on wheels. If they packed the cellos carefully, they could even get their dog (a lab) in the car.


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