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Monday, January 24, 2005

Cover the war as a war
Everybody's been writing about this, but I just found it at Instapundit. It merits a comment.

Tim Blair first commented on this WaPo article, In One Night, Iraqi Turns From Friend to Foe: Man Who Supported U.S. Occupation Calls Americans 'the Devil' After Alleged Raid on His House

The article says the Devil Americans went into his house, searched his bedroom where they found his porn collection,
"It was a nightmare," he said. "I will never forget those bad soldiers when they put the Koran among the magazines.

Within 20 minutes, the soldiers left without arresting him or his mother. While the soldiers went next door to search his neighbor's house, Imaad began to slap his mother, he said. "The American people are devils," Um Imaad recalled her son repeating.
Heck, Dog The Bountyhunter's wife's been know to do more damage than that. First, Dog kicks the door in. Dog cuffs you before he asks questions. If there's nothing amiss, he might let you go. Then Mrs. Dog would come back and kick the young (but rapidly approaching middle age, since he's 32) porn collector's butt from here to tarnation if she found out he'd been beating up his mom. You don't want to mess with Mrs Dog.

The bloggers are all over this one. Roger L. Simon explores The Myth of the Foreign Correspondent; Sisyphean Musings notices that the neighborhood was raided after a car bomb explosion. He also explains what a cordon and search operation is. Neo Warmonger points out that Jackie Spinner, the WaPo reporter, didn't even know that Um Imaad means "Imaad's Mom". Whether Spinner knew or not, Um Imaad's got her work cut out for her since Imaad's off his meds.

So it comes down to this: The WaPo gives this sorry excuse of a journalist several column inches for an article that not only ignores vital details of a story, and provides no substantiation of Imaad's charges, and we're supposed to feel sorry for an out-of-control, w*nk*r thug?

Small wonder Hugh Hewitt wants the MSM to start covering the war as a war.

Update Say Anything's commenters argue on the issues.

My friend, M, wrote asking "what happened to your language? You usually write in more genteel terms", to which I respond, blame it on the cold weather.


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