Fausta's blog

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The official blog of Fausta's Blog Talk Radio show.

Monday, December 27, 2004

"Property taxes can be controlled. Really. Other states have done it",
Paul Mulshine writes,
It's been almost 40 years since the politicians started "solving" our property tax crisis. In 1966, they added a sales tax. In 1976, they added an income tax. They kept raising those taxes. Property taxes kept rising as well.

Why? Because there were no controls on spending.

Here in The Principality spending's so over-the-top that by now routine maintenance items, such as street repaving/rebuilding, are being financed by issuing debt. Mulshine concludes,
. "The reality is that the primary sources of high property taxes are schools and municipal spending. Until we deal with that, who's kidding who?"

The property tax task force is kidding us. That's who.

In other Jersey news, The re-enactors were out, but the river was too dangerous to cross, so this year Washington didn't cross the Delaware.
The Star Ledger's Auditor names former Gov. James E. McGreevey as Loser of the Year.


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