Fausta's blog

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Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Presidential Fashion Update
This morning Scott's introducing the Ablution Art Appreciation Academy, but he also posts that John Lichfield, the Independent's "Man in Paris," thinks that President Bush is a hypocrite, because he wears "a French-made suit", b y a tailor named George de Paris (really. That's his real name). Therefore my assessment that the debaters both hit Barney's on the first day of the semi-annual sale, wearing identical outfits was incorrect. John Lichfield is also wrong, too. Georges de Paris is not only a naturalized American citizen, he's been working from DC for decades.

Apparently George's custom-made suits run approx. $4,000, more than Brooks Brothers, comparable to Zegna, and less than Armani. Nice.
And no need to add a poncho, either.


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