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Thursday, September 23, 2004

UNScam today, updated
Via Friends of Saddam, the Heritage Foundation questions the cedibility of the Volker Commission. The article points out that
The Commission’s operations are shrouded in secrecy, with little transparency or external oversight. For a commission designed to unearth corruption and malpractice on a huge scale, it is strikingly opaque. Its spartan official website contains little information of value, not even a mailing address.

The article also raises questions on staff appointees, and demands full transparency and accountability if it is "to avoid becoming yet another example of mutual back scratching at the UN".

While on the subject of mutual back scratching at the UN, Helen at EU Referendum remarks on the Spanish Prime Minister's speech
Zapatero’s big idea is perhaps less nauseating than either Annan’s or Chirac’s but equally daft. He wants Kofi Annan to set up a high level group to study an alliance of civilizations. Oh goody. Another high level study group to eat up the money that could be used to invest in all those poor countries to help eradicate poverty.

What’s the betting the group will travel round the world with large entourage, stay in the best hotels in the pleasantest spots, have lots of meetings, dinners, parties, receptions and decide … well, what? Probably that the West had better start sending a great deal more aid to the Muslim world (that, incidentally, contains some of the richest people, families and countries) to stop terrorists from feeling isolated and, therefore, murderous.

Helen comes to the conclussion that Zapatero was "just sounding off, as one does at the UN General Assembly."

Will the Volker Commission head in that direction?
Update Victor Davis Hanson's asking, The U.N.? Who Cares? Kofi Annan & Co. might as well move to Brussels or Geneva. If only they would move!


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