Will anyone please stop those photo-ops of political candidates throwing footballs?
I realize I didn't grow up in a football culture (neither American football nor soccer are popular in Puerto Rico), so the mystique of football is lost on me unless I'm in the audience watching a good game that has been preceded by a tail-gate party, or at a nice Super Bowl party.
But surely I'm not the only person out there that finds silly and inane the endless stream of photos of a middle-aged man tossing footballs. Especially if the middle-aged man can't catch and is not photogenic to begin with.
To make things worse, the candidate feels it necessary to point in the air, interfere with street traffic, and bring Secret Service agents, entourage, and news photographers to a public park, therefore imposing on the public who might be there simply relaxing, so the photo op can take place.
For pity's sake, if you're running for President, look presidential. You're not in middle school anymore.
So, if anyone wanted to continue the football tossing until someone said "Uncle!", here you have it: "Uncle!"
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