Fausta's blog

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Friday, September 17, 2004

Mrs. Bush's visit
Yesterday I was at the rally where Mrs Bush spoke. It turns out there was a heckler, who's now made it into the news. The heckler clearly positioned herself next to the media stand (there was a platform built in the center of the room for all the TV cameras and reporters) because one of the NY radio stations even had audio. I was standing (the reporters had chairs, the audience were standing) towards the front of the room close to the podium, and all I heard was that someone yelled something, but Mrs. Bush continued her speech. In total, the incident, if you want to call it that, lasted all of 3 seconds.
NJN has a video.
As to how Mrs. Bush did, The Trentonian says it: First lady a hit in Hamilton: Wows crowd at local rally.

Meanwhile, Corzine thinks "Bush’s visit is a head-fake by the Republicans, who would like to bait the Democrats into draining their resources in New Jersey".


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