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Tuesday, September 14, 2004

Good news from Iraq
in its tenth! installment, Arthur covers a lot of ground, from good news on the real estate market, an aerobics show on Iraqi TV, Italy is donating 100,000 computers, photocopiers and lab equipment for Iraqi universities, improvements on midwifery techniques taught by British doctors, and some governments are doubling their military presence in Iraq. Most encouraging, "the Iraqi security apparatus is playing an increasingly important role".

As he said in the WSJ, The Caravan Moves On.
The Arabs have an old saying: "The dogs bark, but the caravan is moving on." The Iraqi caravan is certainly on the move, and here are some of the stories you probably didn't hear amid all the barking.

While today's headlines are bad, I find it most interesting that
Hundreds of recruits were lined up outside of the headquarters when the car exploded
and that the locals, knowing of the danger, are continuing to join the police. The expatriates are returning, too.

Omar appreciates "the efforts and dedication he's [Arthur] showing in spreading the missing part of the truth.


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