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Saturday, September 18, 2004

Corruption Junction's McGreevances continue to add up
as the headline shows: McGreevey's legal bills: $88,000 -- and climbing
Public will pay much more in end
Defending Gov. James E. McGreevey in a federal corruption case against fund-raiser David D'Amiano has cost taxpayers more than $88,000 so far in legal bills, according to records released by the state yesterday.
The invoices, submitted by Washington, D.C., attorney William E. Lawler and Westfield attorney Robert Stahl, are but a piece of what citizens will end up paying to defend the McGreevey administration in recent legal tangles.
The $74,159 in Lawler bills only covers his work through June, although he has continued to represent McGreevey in the six-month-old D'Amiano case. Lawler also has yet to submit bills for defending McGreevey against threats of a sexual harassment lawsuit by former aide Golan Cipel.
...In addition to putting in more work on the D'Amiano case this summer, Lawler spent several weeks defending McGreevey against Cipel, whose sexual harassment accusations led the governor to announce his resignation last month and concede he had an extramarital homosexual affair. Lawler has yet to submit bills for any of that work, according to Mark Fleming, McGreevey's deputy chief counsel.

Bob Ingle of the Asbury Park Press has a few pithy comments on Judge fails to recognize McGreevey's 'legacy' work on his exit. As for rumors, how's this for speculation: McGreeveys may be separating or divorcing, several sources report?


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