Fausta's blog

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Thursday, September 30, 2004

Chronic cynicism
Yes, a visitor or two has told me that I sound cynical. But then, how can I help it? Adviser on 'pay-to-play' has two roles: Lawyer works with governor on new campaign rules and helps his clients deal with them
While Essex County attorney Angelo Genova was helping the governor rewrite the ground rules for political contributions in New Jersey, he was also launching a private venture to steer law clients through campaign finance regulations.
His law firm, Genova, Burns & Vernoia, began marketing a corporate political activity law practice group this summer, designed to help corporations and individuals hew to both state and federal regulations on campaign donations.
Genova also serves as attorney for the New Jersey Democratic Party, and according to numerous sources, he helped Gov. James E. McGreevey come up with tough new limits on campaign contributions by state contractors. McGreevey enacted the rules by executive order on Sept. 22.

And here's the punch line:
Genova's dual roles violate no ethics laws.

Neither does this,
A financial windfall awaits McGreevey when he leaves office. Under state law, outgoing governors are allowed up to $500,000 for a six-month transition covering staff salaries, office space, travel, postage and printing costs.

McGreevey thus will be riding out of office on taxpayers' coattails.

Don't see much reduction in my chronic cynicism in the near future . . .


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