Fausta's blog

Faustam fortuna adiuvat
The official blog of Fausta's Blog Talk Radio show.

Sunday, September 26, 2004

Anderson Cooper, get out of the rain!
The time has come.
The time is now.
Just get out of the rain,
I don't care how.

and so I channel Dr. Seuss.
I like Anderson Cooper. He's cute, clean-cut and seems to have a sense of humor (I wonder how Dan Rather's career would have turned out if Dan had a sense of humor. Oh, never mind). I also like the working rich in general, particularly old-money people that instead of living off their trusts alone get an education, go out and get jobs: it gives the impression that they have common sense. So imagine my dismay when I turned on the TV and saw Anderson getting pelted with rain and sundry small flying objects. Even the Daily Kos came up with a funny post.
Val's done a postcard on the hurracaine, too.


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