Fausta's blog

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Tuesday, August 31, 2004

Fan of Giuliani
I've been a fan of Rudolph Giuliani since back in the days when I commuted into NYC. Back when I started commuting the streets were filthy, the winos (yes, I'm not using the P-C word, I'm saying the winos) were doing dirty (defecating, urinating) and obscene (involving their private parts) things out in the open in the Wall Street/WTC area, and Times Square was a peep-show-infested hell hole, with prostitutes and drug dealers transacting business out in the open at all times of day. The subways were dirty, unkempt, smelled of vomit and urine, and were covered in graffiti. Real estate values were declining. If you want visuals, see the movies The French Connection (1971), Panic in Needle Park (1971), (both of which predate my commuting years), and Fort Apache, The Bronx (1981) (which was filmed during my commuting years), for starters.

A lot of people were not pleased about how RG cleaned up the city, and bemoaned that Times Square was losing its character. Which it did, if you consider pimping, prostitution, and drug dealing marks of "character". But Giuliani did what was right, and the city became a much more pleasant place. Giuliani, who cut his teeth successfully prosecuting mobsters before he ran for mayor, wasn't one to cower. New York flourished as a result.

On September 11, 2001, Giuliani again rose to the occasion, and not only led the city in the darkest hour, but attended funeral after funeral of the hundreds of firemen and policemen that died that day.

Last night Giuliani came out in full force, and (since I don't watch Conventions) I missed his speech -- was able to only catch bits in the TV morning news. Luckily, here's the transcript.

I'm not the only blogger who hopes Giuliani runs for office again. And it might even be fun -- a Hilary vs. Giuliani presidential race might make Alien vs. Predator look tame.


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