Fausta's blog

Faustam fortuna adiuvat
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Thursday, August 26, 2004

Claudia Rosset's reading list
With the battling veterans reach new heights of absurdity (with one veteran who's a political appointee of GWB coming with a letter*, but rejecting a letter from another veteran who isn't a political appointee); with the MSM ignoring the Democrat's candidate stance in foreign policy, economic policy, defense, and intelligence; with one candidate going on the Comedy Channel instead of answering 46 questions, Claudia Rosset invites us to draw spiritual strength through reading:

She also wants us to write letters and watch Fritz Lang's film "M".

*Note: NJ residents will be interested in reading that both senators from NJ, Corsine and Lautenberg, signed the letter.
Tom Harkin, another politician prone to exaggeration, also signed


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