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Thursday, August 19, 2004

The Bad Hair psychic?
Am I psychic or have I lived in NJ for a long time? Just last week I was saying,
By framing his resignation in confessional, "gay American" patriotic terms, McGreevey's hiding behind smoke and mirrors. His speech lays the groundwork for a comeback. Anyone not familiar with the corruption scandals of his administration (as most viewers of international cable TV are not likely to be), or the ruinous overspending, would be sympathetic. Commentators are already admiring his courage. Magazine covers will follow.
My prediction is that after a hiatus of a few years (if that long), McGreevey will be back in the national scene. Larry King and Barbara Walters will run interviews, with snippets of yesterday's speech, McGreevey's speech at the 2004 Democrat Convention, and other photogenic moments.

Didn't even have to wait for a hiatus. Straight from the Star Ledger,
McGreevey meanwhile has been besieged by media inquiries from across the nation.
His aides said they have received requests for interviews from producers for Oprah Winfrey, Diane Sawyer and Barbara Walters. CNN's Larry King phoned personally, as did NBC's Katie Couric, who made an appeal from the Olympics in Athens. One adviser also said People magazine was also "pushing very hard" for an interview.

I like that "appeal from the Olympics" bit -- very Greek-Goddess-like.

Getting paid for the interviews should do something about that "losing his job, his home, his transportation" problem, too.

My next prediction: After the celebrity interviews and magazine covers, a book deal! Ghost writer, book, interview on 60 Minutes. Movie rights to follow.


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