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Wednesday, July 14, 2004

Hitchens on Plame/Wilson
Now turn to the front page of the June 28 Financial Times for a report from the paper's national security correspondent, Mark Huband. He describes a strong consensus among European intelligence services that between 1999 and 2001 Niger was engaged in illicit negotiations over the export of its "yellow cake" uranium ore with North Korea, Libya, Iraq, Iran, and China. The British intelligence report on this matter, once cited by President Bush, has never been disowned or withdrawn by its authors.

What matters about the Wilson/Palme issue is that -- to use Patterico's words -- the Senate report destroys the credibility of this all-important witness to the supposed lies of the Bush administration. Read Hitchens's article in Slate. Then take a look at what Roger and Patterico have to say. To quote Patterico again, "Wilson's accusations were front-page material before. Why is a bipartisan report debunking them not worth mentioning anywhere in the paper?"


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