Fausta's blog

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Tuesday, June 22, 2004

Saddam & al-Qaeda (and the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette)
Turns out my case of cognotive dissonance is not as bad as one might think. A friend just sent me a link to a post on Oh! That Liberal Media, that discusses one newspaper, the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, that either shares the cognotive-dissonance syndrome, or is actually doing its research:
Iraq provided money, weapons, training and safe harbor to al-Qaida and other terror groups. The 9/11 commission concluded that the support Saddam pro-offered wasn't as extensive as Osama bin Laden desired, but it was extensive enough to cause reasonable people to conclude that Iraq's support for terror was a danger to the United States.

Nor should the report of the 9/11 commission -- composed of grandstanders with little background in national security policy -- be considered the last word. The staff appeared to base its finding that there was no collaborative relationship in planning attacks on Americ on the testimony of two senior al-Qaida operatives in U.S. custody. Al-Qaida operatives have been known to lie to infidels

The facts exist. At least there's one newspaper reporting them.


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