Fausta's blog

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The official blog of Fausta's Blog Talk Radio show.

Wednesday, June 23, 2004

Operation Tiger Claw
Bryan Henderson, a senior at The Principality High School tells us how it all started
Operation Tiger Claw was my first attempt at leading a protest against the apathy and leftism running rampant at my school. It all started on Friday, May 14th with a small act of conservative pride. My socialist history teacher was on another kick about how articulate Noam Chomsky was, when I finally reached my limit.

(Note to the uninitiated: the Tiger is the High School's mascot. If you're not familiar with Chomsky, here's his official site, and here's another site that is anti-NC.)
You must read Brian Henderson's entire article. Mr. Henderson did a lot of research and kept his cool, but I am awed by his courage and conviction. As an adult in The Principality, I don't know that I would have had his strength back when I was in High School.

This brave young man's not a conservative, he's as radical as can be!


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