Fausta's blog

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The official blog of Fausta's Blog Talk Radio show.

Wednesday, May 05, 2004

Spartacus's Cause
Visitors to this blog might notice that I added Spartacus's Cause to the title of my Monday, May 3 entry, He put the spar in Spartacus. Slavery is the most horrible and most-encompassing of all crimes, corroding and corrupting all in the societies where it is condoned.

There are major 2 websites dealing with present-day slavery: Antislavery.org, and iAbolish.com. In addition, Jane's blog Armies of Liberation, has started a list of participating blogs in the Blogosphere Uprising, and I'm honored to be asked if The Bad Hair Blog could be added. Jane's promoting the Iabolish petition to US, UN, and EU leaders demanding investigation of slavery in Sudan's Darfur region. Slavery can take place in our country, as Thief's Den posted on domestic workers held as slaves, a felony in the USA and punishable with prison.

I also have one question: In the comments section of the Spartacus entry, a visitor asked if there is a knowlegeable source where one can research what products (aside from gems) are slave-trade based. I couldn't find any specifics, since one of the problems is that, as they say in iAbolish, "They could be identified as slaves only by studying the underlying economic arrangement.".

If any readers have any information on this subject, please email me at faustaw-at-yahoo.com. Thank you.


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