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Monday, May 10, 2004

Sarkozy goes to it, updated
While we celebrated Mother's Day here, Sarkozy has maneuvered the UMP government party into supporting a referendum for the proposed EU constitution. As explained by Samizdata's Gustave La Joie,
the call by the newly appointed Minister of Finance represents a shift away from automatic rubber-stamping by the French parliament.

Privately Chirac will be fuming. He hates Sarkhozy and fears his possible election in 2007 as President. Unlike the recently convicted fraudster Alain Juppé, Mr Sarkozy might not feel inclined to whitewash the current President's dubious financial history. Meanwhile, Alain Juppé, the UMP party chairman, has endorsed Mr Sarkhozy's call with the qualification: "within the constitutional prerogatives of the President". Mr Juppé no doubt feels it is a good time to roll with his colleague's punches.

On April 29 I wrote about how Chirac might have placed Sarkozy in the hot seat, but NS's feeling right at home in it.
Yup, he does.


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