Fausta's blog

Faustam fortuna adiuvat
The official blog of Fausta's Blog Talk Radio show.

Tuesday, May 11, 2004

"The Politics of the Last Five Minutes"
The brilliant Roger L. Simon coined the phrase "The Politics of the Last Five Minutes". Seldom has a phrase been more appropriate. While the TV and dead-tree-press is on an endless loop of Iraqi prisoner photos, the press ignores

  • the reports of slavery in Sudan, while Sudan sits on the UN Human Rights Commission
  • the violence in Nigeria
  • the Israeli pregnant woman killed with her 4 daughters and videotaped by their murderers
  • the 2 foreigners stoned to death in Kabul, and
  • the Pakistani Christian tortured to death by radical Muslims.

All these events took place last week, while we are shown over and over the photos.

And who's reporting about UNScam, today?
Update: Roger, and The Wall Street Journal! Money quote,
If abuse of Iraqi prisoners by U.S. soldiers demands an accounting, so too does the world-wide conspiracy of bribery that helped prop up Saddam Hussein's torture-based regime


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