Fausta's blog

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Saturday, May 22, 2004

Politically active Teletubbies
Just when you thought PBS couldn't stoop any lower, now they're playing an anti-Bush Teletubby short film. (For the initiated, the Telletubbies are four too-cute characters that live in a Hobbit hole somewhere in the British countryside, along with their vacuum cleaner, NooNoo. I assume it's marketed to the pre-preschool crowd since the tubbies appear to be pre-verbal.) Last night at approx. 7:30PM WNYE played a short film showing a malevolent sun with GWB's face, bombing the Teletubby locale (and scaring the bunnies, of course); the field becomes an oil field with oil pumps and quickly becomes flooded with oil.
I won't be mollified when the same people who created this show the malevolent Osama sun wiping out the countryside, Buddhas, WTC, and all. That would be equally stupid -- a while ago Pat Buchanan made a flap about whether the Teltubbies were gay, an equally moronic speculation. Just keep the politics out of the children's programs.
What I object to is that taxpayer's monies from the USA and the UK (the Teletubbies are a BBC program) are paying for this propaganda.


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