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Friday, May 21, 2004

Must read, with 3 updates
If you read one article this entire week, read this: How to lose this war. Hanson gives a menu on how to lose this war. Among others:

  • As gas prices rise at home, scream that the war abroad was fought to steal Iraqi oil and get American hands on cheap petroleum.
  • Insist that Iraq has nothing to do with the wider struggle against Islamic fundamentalists and their autocratic state supporters in the Middle East.
  • Ignore, if not ridicule, any evidence that does not fit a preconceived view: Mohammed Atta could have never met with Iraqi intelligence officers; Abu Abbas and Abu Nidal were not really terrorists and not really in Baghdad; there is no chance that WMD have been transferred to Syria or evidence of its removal or destruction found in Iraq.
  • Ignore American soldiers in battle and turn the entire nation’s attention toward sexual abuse and humiliation of Iraqi prisoners by a few miscreant American soldiers.
  • Pay as little attention as possible to horrific footage of American civilians burned alive and desecrated or to Jewish-American citizens beheaded on tape.

Suggestions? We must press on, of course. Use the troops that we have to put down the insurrectionists immediately and without mercy—and we will not need perpetually to call for ever more soldiers. One subdued Fallujah is worth two additional armored divisions in terms of deterrence. Give the Iraqis a higher public profile, and do not waver from the long scheduled dates of transfer of power. And finally, keep reminding the American people how much has been accomplished and how rare is our effort to defeat fascism and leave consensual government in its wake—and do that every day.

Clarity of purpose is what wins struggles. This article is a must-read.
Update: Congress, Media Could Talk U.S. Into Iraq Defeat. Second update: Kill Faster! Third update: Dr. Sowell has something to say.


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