Fausta's blog

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Saturday, May 01, 2004

Godot's parking-building-built-on-the-stream (G'sPBBOTS) has kinks . . .
. . . or at least that's what the headline says: Kinks in electronic systems delay garage opening by another week, while work proceeded on the mixed-use building and plaza, named Building A/Witherspoon House, which should open in October*.
An appellate court will hear arguments in the Concerned Citizens of [The Principality] lawsuit seeking a halt to the downtown redevelopment project. May 24 hearing set for garage lawsuit "The suit alleges that the borough improperly applied the state's redevelopment law to the project and did not put the 413.7 million bond ordinance to help finance the project to a referendum". Phase 1 (Godot's parking-building-built-on-the-stream, and Building A) is under way. Phase 2, the proposed building on the Tulane parking lot, needs final site plan review by the Planning Board.

*"Good weather in the spring and summer months is essential for the October opening".
Hm. The library was scheduled to open in December, and it's just started running a limited schedule. G'sPBBOTS has kinks and hasn't opened, but was scheduled to open in December. I say Building A will open in . . . late March. Assuming, of course that the Borough doesn't lose in court.


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