The Bad Hair Blog, the bad hair gene
Last March when I first started The Bad Hair Blog I used a bad haircut as a metaphor,
Which brings me back to my haircut. Since the streets are in deplorable condition, I use the township hall only to deposit my tax payments, no one in the house attends public school, rarely go downtown because of the traffic and lack of time to be going downtown to get stuck in traffic, and order my books through Amazon because the library is downtown, the bad haircut describes this taxpayer's situation: Fewer services (cut 2" too short), "in flux" (one side longer than the other), and stuck with the bill ($60 for the haircut, unknown amount for the taxes).
It's all about the haircut.
Now a friend sent me this article, which states,
Turns out, there's a gene that directs hair to grow in nice tidy patterns. Take the gene away and the hair doesn't know which way to grow
which raises the question, is the municipal overspending-and-overtaxing genetically caused?
Nature or nurture?
And about those pesky cicadas,
. . . the same friend sent recipes, available from this site. I thank G-d there other things I can afford to eat.
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