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Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Chavez steals Christmas

Morgan's on the road, but he sent this beaut:

Not satisfied with stealing oil proceeds, Chavez now does a full Grinch:

Chavez declara guerra ao Papai Noel! (Chavez declares war on Santa Claus!)
Natal está chegando... É hora de elevar os espíritos, renovar a solidariedade, acreditar em sonhos, botar o sapatinho na janela do quintal... Não, não é bem assim na Venezuela! Um decreto do presidente Hugo Chávez proíbe o uso de bonecos de Papai Noel, árvores de Natal e botas vermelhas na decoração das repartições públicas do país, noticiou o jornal "Últimas Noticias", de Caracas. O objetivo é erradicar uma tradição que, de acordo com o governo do caudilho sul-americano, tem origem nos Estados Unidos. Será que ele pensa que o Bom Velhinho é um espião de Washington?

Este é o mais recente capítulo do furioso embate entre Chávez e o "imperialismo" de Bush. Chávez quer que as crianças venezuelanas ganhem presentes também do Menino Jesus, e que as tradições natalinas sejam inspiradas na tradição do país, com presépios ou ornamentos feitos com a planta tropical conhecida como Flor do Natal.

Para deixar seus funcionários mais felizes, Chávez liberou o pagamento de três abonos de Natal para cerca de um milhão de venezuelanos. Resultado: o povo foi às compras em massa! Santa Claus' consuming jungle fever... Vale lembrar que o país sul-americano vai às urnas em 3 de dezembro e Chávez busca nova reeleição...

(my translation:)
Christmas is coming . . . the season to lift our spirits, renew friendships, believe in dreams, and toss out the old shoe into the back yard. But not in Venezuela! Ultimas Noticias, a Caracas newspaper, reports that Hugo Chavez has issued a decree that prohibits Santa Claus dolls, Christmas trees and red Christmas stockings at all public places buildings* [See correction below]. The purpose is to erradicate a tradition which, according to the South American leader, originates in the USA. Does he think that the Holy Child Good Old St. Nick is a Washington spy?

This is the latest attack from Chavez in his furious fight with Bush's "imperialism". Chavez wants Venezuelan children to get presents from Baby Jesus and that Christmas traditions be inspired by his country's traditions, like the manger and decorations made from a local plant called the Christmas flower.

To keep his officials happy, Chavez authorized the payment of three Christmas bonuses for more than a million Venezuelans. The result: the people will go shopping! Santa Claus' consuming jungle fever... It's worth mentioning that the country goes to the polls on December 3 and Chavez is looking for re-election.
Hugo claims to be restoring "native Venezuelan traditions" which clearly originated from the Catholic Spaniards, not from the actual indigenous peoples of Venezuela, but give it time. What matters is that the Christmas bonus comes in time for the election.

The shoppers would be those who don't get in the crosshairs or are not rioting in jail. Of course, Hannukah doesn't count. Just don't expect any live broadcasts, either.

Gaitas and hallacas all around!

* Correction
I just received an email,
the only thing that i'm worry about is the translation she did of
"repartições públicas". it is not the same thing of "public places". "public
places" includes everything: public buildings, street, etc. while
"repartição pública" concerns only the buildings where public services are
given. i am not sure, but maybe a better expression would be "public
administration office". i don't know... and, it is not "perfeccionismo", i
think there is a huge difference between one thing and the other. for
example, it is still allowed the use of christmas' dolls in sidewalks.
(at least!!)
Many thanks for the correction.

I imagine Cindy Sheehan's going to need an escort to the inagural party: CHAVEZ THRILLED AT U.S. VOTE.

(technorati tags )


At 12:29 PM, Blogger SC&A said...

Used to be "Grandma Got Run Over By a Reindeer."

Now it will be 'Grandma Got Run Over By A Tin Pot Revolutionary.'

At least the reindeer will no longer have to take the bad rap.

At 1:03 PM, Blogger Fausta said...

At this rate Grandma's going to get tossed away like the Brazilian old shoe in the article, if she doesn't continue to go for the militia "training" where they pay her $2

At 8:02 PM, Blogger Fausta said...


I'll correct that too!
(and except for a post I did last year, it's been a long long time since I translated any Portuguese -I'm more than a little rusty, for sure.)


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